Charting the Future of Arts and Culture

The 10th World Summit for Arts and Culture will be held in less than four months in Seoul and invites the global arts community to re-imagine the future.

By Creatives Unite Newsroom
February 21, 2025

AI, cultural rights, labour rights, intellectual property, living cultures, traditional knowledge, culture in times of conflict, sustainability, justice and inclusion. The 10th World Summit for Arts and Culture announces its agenda and invites the global arts community to reimagine the arts and reflect on the prospects for culture in times of exponential shifts.

From 27 to 30 May 2025, artists and cultural professionals from around the world will gather in Seoul, Republic of Korea, to discuss, exchange views and experiences, and chart the future of arts and culture.

According to the programme just announced on day one of the Summit, the opening plenary, The Future of Culture in Times of Exponential Shifts, will examine recent progress, familiar and systemic challenges, and new tensions, and consider how global issues manifest locally and affect different contextual realities, whether national or regional.  In another plenary meeting under the topic, (Re)Imagining Our Futures, delegates will have the chance to share ideas and generate collective insights on shaping the future of arts and culture. Later in the same day the spotlight will turn to Korea, the host country and the panel discussion will examine the unique trajectory of South Korea’s arts and culture on the global stage and how they both reflect Korean society.

On day two, the plenary session, The ethics and governance of AI in future-proofing the CCS, will discuss how AI can be used effectively to protect human creativity and ensure a level playing field. The session under the topic, The rights and responsibilities of culture for a sustainable future, will explore cultural rights, labour rights, Intellectual Property and copyright, as well as the collective rights of Indigenous peoples, living cultures and traditional knowledge.

Global governance matters are also on the agenda with discussions on culture’s role in climate action and sustainability. The long table discussion, Culture in times of conflict: towards empathy and solidarity, will take time to create empathy across divisions.
On the third day of the Summit, the final plenary, Future horizons: roadmap for a just and sustainable future for arts and culture, will synthesise the key issues and calls to action from the previous two days. The session will envision a world where we actively promote a sustainable, just and inclusive future for arts and culture, while acknowledging and respecting differences within a shared agenda.

Photo credit: Korean Culture and Information Service
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