Pro Helvetia | Synergies Support for Research-Based Programmes

The Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia is looking to support research-based and process-oriented programmes that foster exchange between art, science and technology involving organisations in Switzerland and across the world.

By Creatives Unite Newsroom
August 24, 2023

From hackathons to fellowships, from residencies to think tanks – the Synergies open call offers support of CHF 20.000 – CHF 150.000 for international collaborations and encourages programmes which spark new approaches, methodologies and connect knowledge from different contexts.

If the following applies to your envisioned programme, it fits the open call:

  • You are looking for a frame in which you can test, build and further develop research- and process-oriented formats at the intersection of art, science and technology.
  • Your programme enables meaningful international collaboration, besides developing and strengthening new and existing networks between art, science and technology.
  • Your programme is aimed at artistic and cultural practitioners through activities such as networking, residencies, research and exchange formats.

The support is allotted to the conceptualisation, creation and implementation of the programme. This may include artists’ fees, travel costs, material costs, etc. Infrastructural costs (building, renting, etc.) and operational costs (salaries, insurances, etc.) of the organisations will not be supported.

Who can apply?

Proposals must be jointly submitted by a minimum of two organisations. The collaboration must consist of a Swiss arts or cultural organization with one or more partners from around the world. These can be, for example: music and exhibition venues, dance companies, literature platforms, cultural spaces or established networks and platforms.


  • Each collaboration involves at least one Swiss artistic or cultural organisation.
  • The activities are planned over a period of 1-2 years (starting earliest in March 2024).
  • The proposed programme is situated at the intersection of art, science and technology.
  • All organisations invest and contribute accordingly to their size, abilities and regional contexts (contributions can include overhead costs, infrastructure, accommodation, network, visibility, advice, etc.).
  • A significant part of the proposed programme is open to the public (for example public events, showcasing, online presence, etc.).
  • The proposed programme has a clear impact on the Swiss artistic and cultural scene.
  • The programme involves artistic disciplines supported by Pro Helvetia.

Deadline: 02 October 2023

Find more information and apply here