A Collection of 7 articles

Our Picks | Cultural and Creative Open Calls in September

It's not too late to check September's open calls on funding opportunities and mobility schemes' dedicated to the cultural and creative world. We gathered them in one place to make things easier for you.

By Myriam Patrou
August 23, 2023

Creatives Unite has gathered open calls from all over Europe dedicated to the Cultural and Creative Sector. We keep an eye on available opportunities targeted to artists and creatives and make sure you don't miss the upcoming deadlines. This month we gathered open calls for fundings and residencies that will complete the application process during September. Take a careful look, choose your suitable project or initiative and get ready to apply!

Malý Berlín | Open Call Residency for an architect in Slovakia

Malý Berlín is a Cultural Center in the City of Trnava in Slovakia looking for architects, urban planners and researchers in order to implement different aspects of housing in the city of Trnava in terms of architectural, cultural, social, and ecological matters. The residency will take place between October to December 2023 and the selected candidate will have the opportunity to select between two topics. Excluded communities is focused on the housing solution for the Roma minority and Living City is about adaptation of socialist housing estates to climate change.

For Whom? Architects, urban planners and researchers
Countries: International
Deadline: 03 September 2023

Apply here

Bristol Green Capital | Creative Commission Opportunity

The Bristol Green Capital Partnership wants to commission creatives to explore the theme of just transition, acknowledging that climate action and social justice are interlinked and need to be tackled together. The action aims to make just transition more accessible and relatable to a broad audience through artists becoming vocal with climate and social issues in new and different ways. Creativity has the power to inspire more and more diverse people about climate and nature action and climate justice.

For Whom? Artists and Creatives
Countries: International
Deadline: 06 September 2023

Apply here

British Council | Spotlight on Culture UK/France 2024 Fund

The British Council has announced a funding programme for organisations working in the field of arts and culture, cultural and creative industries that involve a partnership between at least one organisation in Northern Ireland or Scotland and one in France. The programme aims to create collaborations that build long-term relationships between artists, creative practitioners, and arts and cultural organisations between France and The United Kingdom.

For Whom? Organisations in the field of arts and culture, cultural and creative industries
Countries: France, Northern Ireland and Scotland
Deadline: 08 September 2023

Apply here

European Cultural Foundation | Open Call Solidarity Fund

The European Cultural Foundation gives the opportunity to explore sustainability from a cultural angle. Revolving around climate change and the continuous environmental changes of the past decades, the project aims to raise public awareness, reinforce democratic decision-making processes, design creative solutions and encourage holistic working approaches.

For Whom? Organisations in the cultural, creative, or allied sectors
Countries: All Europe countries
Deadline: 11 September 2023

Apply here

Project Butterfly | Open Call for Composers

Project Butterfly will combine three acts of thirty minutes each from Italy, Poland and Finland. The conception of the work will begin with a co-creation phase implemented by high school students and selected authors of the opera who will work hand-in-hand with the creative team and the artistic directors of the project within two artistic residencies in Italy and Poland. The project will culminate, in May 2025, in the premiere of the newly created opera in the partner theatres and online.

For Whom? Music composers
Countries: Italy, Poland and Finland
Deadline: 17 September 2023

Apply here

Martin Roth Initiative | Temporary Relocation to Germany

Martin Roth Initiative published a funding programme with a monthly scholarship that enables cultural organisations in Germany to temporarily host artists and cultural actors and to provide a free and safe space for them to continue their creative work. Host organisations will provide support for the participants' artistic development and can be cultural institutions, collectives and other socially relevant organisations that are based in Germany. The project aims to promote and support open society, freedom, peace and democracy for artists who experience restrictions on their freedom or threats.

For Whom? Artists and cultural actors
Countries: International
Deadline: 19 September 2023

Apply here

Collab 4 HY Sust CCI | Open Call for Proposals

The Collab 4 HY Sustain CCI project launched an open call to support Cultural and Creative organisations with a goal to innovate. The project wants to support initiatives that help the cultural and creative industries become more sustainable by using technology and digital advancements, and also bring about positive social changes.

For Whom? Cultural and Creative Sector
Countries: All Europe countries
Deadline: 30 September 2023

Apply here

Martin Roth Initiative | Temporary Relocation to Germany

Artists and cultural actors at risk have the possibility to temporarily stay and work in Germany with the assistance of a host cultural institution.

MRI funding in programme line 1 enables cultural organisations in Germany to temporarily host artists and cultural actors and to provide a free and safe space for them to continue their creative work. The funding includes a monthly scholarship.

How long does a scholarship last?

  • Scholarships in programme line 1 (stays in Germany) last up to 15 months.

What does support funding in programme line 1 involve?

  • A monthly scholarship
  • Individual support for the scholarship holders (e.g. necessary insurance, psychosocial support, language courses, trainings, networking activities, etc.)
  • If necessary, financial support for additional personnel for the host organisation (please note that we cannot fund permanent staff and freelance work that is not directly related to the purpose of the grant).
  • Counselling by the MRI and further training (for example on topics such as safety, sensitive public relations, psycho-social support) as well as networking activities and exchange of experience with other host organisations and scholarship holders.
  • Please note that the scholarship visa does not automatically entitle scholarship holders to take up employment or self-employment in Germany.

Who can be a host organisation?

  • Host organisations can be cultural institutions or collectives (e. g. museums, theatres, festivals, etc.) and other socially relevant organisations that are based in Germany. These organisations not only host scholarship holders, but also provide support for their artistic/cultural development and personal well-being.

Who is eligible to receive a scholarship?

Artists and cultural actors worldwide, who

  • Through their artistic work are committed to an open society, freedom, peace and democracy and who, because of their work or due to other circumstances, experience restrictions on their freedom or threats from state and/or non-state actors.
  • Are still active in their countries of origin, have only recently left their countries of origin (departure after the deadline of the last call for applications by the MRI on the 17.02.2023), or are not safe in their current locations.
  • Do not have access to a safe abode (e.g. due to dual citizenship or permanent residency by means of a national or humanitarian visa).
  • Have the necessary language skills to facilitate collaboration with a host institution.
  • Who are demonstrably artistically/culturally active and whose works have a proven artistic/cultural and/or social relevance (hobby artists or persons who undertake purely private artistic activities are not eligible for funding).
  • Since the MRI has a special programme for artists and cultural actors from Afghanistan, they cannot apply to the regular programme line 1.
  • EU citizens are not eligible for funding.

Deadline: 19 September 2023

Apply here

British Council | Spotlight on Culture UK/France 2024 Fund

The programme Spotlight on Culture UK/France 2024 - Together We Imagine, led by the British Council France, will be a celebration of Franco-British artistic co-creation and cultural partnerships.

Marking the 80th anniversary of the British Council in France, Spotlight on Culture UK/France will take place between April and October 2024, providing new opportunities for cultural organisations and artists to collaborate and contribute to the people-to-people links between neighbouring countries.

The £155k fund is designed to spark new and refresh existing connections between Northern Ireland, Scotland and France, supporting collaborations that build long-term relationships between artists, creative practitioners, and arts and cultural organisations. The fund will be delivered by the British Council in partnership with Creative Scotland.

Open to organisations working in the field of arts and culture, cultural and creative industries, applications must be a partnership between at least one organisation in Northern Ireland OR Scotland and one in France. A project need not include partners from both Northern Ireland and Scotland simultaneously although projects involving both Northern Ireland and Scotland in France are welcome.

The British Council will be awarding a maximum of 3 grants of £30k and several smaller grants of between £5-10k to project teams in Northern Ireland, Scotland or France to collaborate on creative projects.

Deadline: 08 September 2023

Apply here

Residency for an architect in Slovakia

Cultural Center Malý Berlín and the City of Trnava are looking for Slovak or foreign architects, urban planners, and researchers - Deadline: September 3rd, 2023

Open call for architects, urban planners, and researchers. Are you passionate about small-city urbanism, ecology, or excluded communities?

Cultural Center Malý Berlín and the City of Trnava are looking for Slovak or foreign architects, urban planners, and researchers. Applicants will receive opportunities to work on a selected topic, get to know the local context, and propose a solution in direct collaboration with the main architect of the city Trnava and his department. At the end of the residency, the candidate will present his or her ideas and work to the public.

Candidates can choose from these two topics:

  1. Excluded communities – the housing solution for the Roma minority
  2. Living City – adaptation of socialist housing estates to climate change

The selected candidate will work in theoretical and/or practical disciplines. The residency is best suited to applicants with a clearly developed focus and/or approach who can work independently.

Short description of topics

1. Excluded communities
Trnava is one of the cities in Slovakia that has within its boundaries a segregated Roma community. The area where most of the Roma people are living is located in the brownfield, industrial area of Coburgova Street. The residents suffer from various forms of social as well as spatial exclusion, with an incidence of socio-pathological phenomena. Even though several other housing options in other parts of the city have been considered during the last 30 years, these may not bring a qualitatively better solution. The task is therefore to address these numerous forms of segregation and exclusion via urban forms that will enhance the quality of life of Roma residents and their sustainable integration into the city life of Trnava.

2. Living City
It’s part of a larger cultural-artistic-research initiative of Malý Berlín, within which we try to look at different aspects of housing in our city – architectural, cultural, social, and ecological. Within this residency, we are looking for ideas on how to adapt socialist housing estates mostly built in the 70s and 80s to current climate change.


October – December 2023 (3 months)

Who are we looking for?

The open call is aimed at architects, urban planners, and researchers from diverse backgrounds, educations, experiences, and aspirations. Previous experience with international projects is not necessary but can be an advantage. 

The selection of candidates will be based on experience, intent, and the relevancy of past/present projects in a portfolio. An important part of the final decision will be interest in the selected topic and in the local context.

Criteria for participant:

  • suitable for those who already have experience or are just interested in the topics of this call;
  • Young or mid-career architects, urban planners, and researchers, (students included);
  • fluent in English or Slovak;
  • previous experience with international projects is not necessary but can be an advantage.

What does the residency offer?

  • scholarship of 1.000 EURO per month (3.000 EURO in total),
  • reimbursement of travel expenses up to 500 EURO,
  • accommodation during the residency,  
  • networking opportunities with the local scene,
  • the opportunity to present his or her work, interests, activities, and ideas to the public,
  • full access to city office departments, especially territorial development and planning department, building and environmental (Odbor územného rozvoja a koncepcií).

Expected outputs from the residency:

  • active participation,
  • reports on a weekly basis,
  • public presentation of his or her work and activities.

The deadline for applications is 03.09. 2023

Find out more and apply: here

Bristol Green Capital | Creative Commission Opportunity

Bristol Green Capital Partnership would like to commission a creative(s) to explore the theme of just transition as part of our Community Climate Action Project.

The importance of a ‘just transition’ is increasingly gaining traction. It recognises that climate action and social justice are interlinked and need to be tackled together. As Bristol (the UK and the World) continues to decarbonise, significant efforts need to be made to ensure this happens in a way that improves rather than worsens existing inequalities. Bristol Green Capital Partnership believes the transition to net zero could be a once in a generation opportunity to tackle systemic inequalities and improve the quality of life for people locally and globally.

Bristol Green Capital Partnership and the Community Climate Action Project partners believe creativity has an important role to play in making conversations around climate relevant to people and their lives. Artists have an ability to engage the public with climate and social issues in new and different ways and creativity has the power to inspire more and more diverse people about climate and nature action and climate justice.

The just transition creative commission comprises two elements:

  • Engagement with diverse communities across the city on the theme of just transition to codevelop ideas and content.
  • Development of new, dynamic creative content on the theme of just transition which is sharable and has the ability to engage and inspire the wider Bristol community.

The aims of the creative commission are to:

  • Help make the theme of just transition more accessible / relevant / relatable to a broad audience.
  • Be rooted in / connect with local audiences in Bristol (especially those who haven’t traditionally been involved in climate activism).
  • Connect more, and more diverse, people with the climate and climate justice conversation.
  • Develop engaging creative content on the theme of just transition which can be shared widely through Bristol Green Capital Partnership and partner comms channels for ongoing impact.
  • Provide an opportunity for diverse local creatives to engage with the theme of just transition.
  • Enthuse, inspire and motivate climate and nature action within diverse communities.
  • Positively engage audiences with climate and nature issues on a more creative/emotional level (we’d like this work to look and feel quite different to more traditional climate engagement).

The commission can be delivered through any form of creative practice providing it fulfils the brief and is accessible to diverse audiences.

Commission fee: £10.000 – to cover all elements of commission delivery including engagement, development, production, artists fees, communications. There is separate budget available for those with specific access needs.

Deadline: 06 September 2023

Find more information here

Collab 4 HY Sust CCI | Open Call for Proposals

The Collab 4 HY Sustain CCI project launches an open call to support 15 EU CCI’s organizations whose goal is to innovate. The project will accompany the selected candidates in a 16 months long journey aimed at fostering processes or products in the field of audience engagement and sustainability.

Collab 4 HY Sust CCI, the new innovation incubation project supported by the European Union and coordinated by Materahub, invites creative and cultural organizations from across Europe to participate in a remarkable journey of growth, innovation, and collaboration.

Collab 4 HY Sust CCI is searching for 15 innovative projects that make culture more accessible and connect creators and distributors from culture and creative sectors with their audiences. The project wants to support initiatives that help the cultural and creative industries become more sustainable by using technology and digital advancements, and also bring about positive social changes.

Submissions are welcomed from projects in the early stage of ideation, as well as those that have already made notable progress and are in the implementation or prototype phase. Furthermore, projects that have already shown a positive impact and are seeking support to expand their reach are also eligible for consideration. Whether you have a promising concept or a project that is already gaining recognition, we invite you to submit and make use of the program’s resources and opportunities.

Open Call Topic 1: Audience and Hybrid Approaches
Do you have an innovative idea to engage your audiences and explore hybrid approaches in the realm of contemporary arts, performances, heritage or entertainment? Collab 4 HySust is seeking exceptional initiatives to drive audience participation, improve management of audience monitoring, promote inclusivity in co-creation processes and cross-sectoral collaboration.

Open Call Topic 2: Sustainability in Processes of Collaboration
Are you passionate about promoting sustainable collaborations between culture and other industries? Are you eager to explore collaborative processes that address environmental concerns, gender equality, and inclusive practices? Collab 4 HySust is looking for initiatives that aim to create sustainable change and foster innovation within the value chain of artistic and cultural offerings.

Eligible subjects
The project encourages a broad spectrum of organizations to submit their projects. This encompasses cultural institutions, nonprofit organizations, startups, social enterprises, academic institutions, community-based organizations, and any other entities engaged in the intersection of culture, science and technology. Collaborations between individuals and organizations with diverse perspectives and resources have the potential to generate impactful and groundbreaking projects in the realm of social change.

Selected initiatives will receive:

  • 16 months mentorship from experienced professionals who will guide and support the design, experimentation, and implementation of your innovative practices.
  • Acomprehensive training program tailored to enhance managerial, organizational, and design capabilities within your organization.
  • A grant of 3.000 EURO to fuel the development and realization of your project.
  • Visibility and showcase opportunities in hybrid events.
  • See regional network and EU collaboration opportunities.


  • July 1st, 2023: Call for submissions opens.
  • September 30th, 2023, at 5 PM CET: Application deadline.
  • October 2023: Evaluation process ends.
  • December 2023: Incubation activities starts.
  • Project duration: 16 months.

Deadline: 30 September 2023

Apply here

European Cultural Foundation | Open Call Solidarity Fund

The Culture of Solidarity Fund supports European transnational collaborative initiatives that address the theme of just transition and environmental sustainability from a specifically cultural angle.

The new edition of the Culture of Solidarity Fund welcomes European transnational collaborative initiatives that address the theme of just transition and environmental sustainability from a specific cultural angle.

Climate change is the most pressing concern of our time. A successful systemic transition from resource-intense Western lifestyles to more sustainable models requires a radical change in individual and societal values relating to work, the environment, and social justice. However, such a transition must be fair and equitable. Culture plays an important role in this context because it shapes people’s beliefs and behaviours. Cultural and art organisations, community media, activists, and creative sectors have a unique ability to foster solidarity, raise critical questions, and build consensus.

By considering the cultural context and specific values of communities, these actors can develop transition strategies that are fair, equitable, and respectful of the needs and aspirations of all affected, ensuring that no one is left behind.

The Fund has grants available in three amounts:

  • Up to 10.000 EURO
  • 10.000 – 20.000 EURO
  • 20.000 – 30.000 EURO

Grants can be used to finance a wide range of activities, from seeding entirely new initiatives to scaling up existing ideas to a European level.

Although co-funding is not a prerequisite for receiving a grant, a balanced budget with diversified resources can significantly improve the feasibility of the project.

Grants can cover production, rent, online co-working and communication tools. They can also be used to cover consultancy, staffing and operational costs. However, it is highly recommended that these do not exceed 80% of the total requested budget unless clearly justifiable.

The project timeline may be up to 12 months. Activities related to the project may not take place before the start date.

Deadline: 11 September 2023

Find more information here

Apply here

Butterfly Project | Open Call for Composers

The Butterfly Project intends to identify and select three composers, to write a three acts opera, in Italian, Polish and Finnish, dedicated to the theme of environmental sustainability. The opera is to be commissioned by Teatro Comunale di Modena (Italy), Opera Bałtycka, (Gdansk, Poland) and Opera Box (Helsinki, Finland).

The opera created within PROJECT BUTTERFLY will combine three acts of thirty minutes each (one for each country), made up of three stories dedicated to an environmental theme: water, earth and air. The co-production will involve three composers, one from each project partner’s opera house.

The conception of the work will begin with a co-creation phase implemented by high school students in three partners’ countries – Italy, Poland and Finland. The selected authors of the opera will work hand-in-hand with the creative team and the artistic directors of the project within two artistic residencies in Italy and Poland. Finally, after two years of work, the project will culminate, in May 2025, in the premiere of the newly created opera in the partner theatres and online. The final production will strongly rely on advanced digital technologies and showcase the pathways for a more sustainable opera production.

The opera will be written after 2 co-creation cycle of webinars with high school students.

The first cycle of webinars will help students to find a subject for the opera: environment Agencies and experts in every city of each theatre partner will provide knowledge to the students helping to find subjects suitable for writing a story.

The second cycle of webinars will guide the students into the creative writing of a story. The literary author (lyricist) from each theatre will help each group of students to turn its subject into a story suitable for an opera libretto. The opera lyricists will turn the story into a libretto.

The Call is addressed to music composers who, at the time of application, fulfill the following requirements:

  • They are 18 years of age, or older.
  • They are legal residents in any of the countries participating in the Creative Europe Programme.

The selection will be mainly based upon the quality of the composition presented, as detailed below. However, the Selection Committee may consider a supplementary merit the specific experience or connection of the applicant within the musical scenes of Italy, Poland or Finland, including performances in its theaters. The personal experience of the candidate will be assessed in order to evaluate his/her ability to best participate in the project and in its related activities.

The 3 winning composers will write a composition to be performed jointly in a single opera in Modena, Gdansk, and Helsinki and streamed online.

Each composer will receive a 11.000 EURO gross fee.

Fees will include performing rights (including online streaming), and printed scores free of rights.

On acceptance of their commission, the selected composers will ratify in writing the following commitments:

  • The obligation to submit an opera work with the following features: 

          – 30 minutes lengths;
          – ensemble: 12 musicians| cast: 6 lyric singers (spoken parts may be included);
          – conductor score, orchestra parts, vocal score by November 2024.

  • The full and exclusive licensing of all performing rights and the right of use of their image in non-commercial terms for the duration of the PROJECT BUTTERFLY.
  • The obligation to take part in 2 one-week artistic residencies will take place in Gdansk and Modena in May and October 2024 (travel and accommodation covered by the project).
  • The requested authorizations regarding data protection:

All the data requested above will be processed by the Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Modena (data controller) in order to carry out the audition tests and to complete this selection procedure; the data may also be used for similar procedures in the future.

Deadline: 17 September 2023

Apply here