The art season aims to showcase the vibrant and innovative works of Asian artists, focusing on the theme of the convergence of art and technology. Both in-person showcases and virtual performances will be featured, providing a dynamic platform for artistic expression and experimentation.
Key Information:
- Event Theme: Exploring the interrelationship and convergence of art and technology.
- Performance Type: Open to all forms of performing arts and performance art.
- Performance Duration: 20-30 minutes for each performance, multiple stagings.
- Showcase Date: Feb.-May 2024.
- Showcase Venue: Open air or indoors in Göttingen; virtual space.
Applicant Eligibility:
- Artists working in theatre, dance, music, cross-media, interdisciplinary performing arts/performance arts.
- Artists who reside in any part of Asia or artists who identify themselves as Asian artists but live outside of Asia.
The Offer:
On-site productions:
- An estimated artistic fee of 400 Euros per artistic contribution.
- Platform and space for the showcase at Göttingen.
- Promotional and administrative assistance.
- An invitation letter to assist artists in their funding application process.
- A limited number of selected works with the opportunity to receive financial support for travel to and from Göttingen and accommodation assistance in Göttingen.
Online productions:
- An estimated artistic fee of 200 Euros per online project.
- An online exhibition platform.
- Promotional and administrative assistance.
- An invitation letter to assist artists in their funding application process.
Deadline: 15 August 2023
Apply here