Research for CULT Committee - The Situation of Artists and Cultural Workers and the post-COVID Cultural Recovery in the European Union : Policy Recommendations

This policy recommendation briefing provides guidelines & principles to structure the contents of the European Framework, & hence improve the situation and working conditions of artists & cultural workers in the EU post-COVID.

May 05, 2021
Key findings
  • The atypical nature of artistic and cultural work and its precarious characteristics cannot be fully addressed without taking into account broader structural vulnerabilities and challenges faced by the European cultural and creative ecosystem. This is why, among other elements, the European Framework introducing guidelines and principles for working conditions in the cultural and creative sectors and industries would not only help to establish minimum standards and minimum requirements across the Union but also address structural fragilities and inequities that were reinforced by the COVID-19 crisis. This would support the long-term sustainability of the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS).
  • Composed of principles and recommendations, the Framework would trigger legislative and non-legislative activity on a set of issues directly and indirectly related to the work status and the socio-economic conditions of artists and cultural workers.
  • The development of a European Framework for working conditions in the cultural and creative sectors and industries could provide a multidimensional and coherent policy instrument to support artists and cultural workers and contribute to the sustainability of cultural and creative sectors and industries during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • This Policy Recommendation Briefing is based on the Background Analysis “The Situation of Artists and Cultural Workers and the post-COVID Cultural Recovery in the European Union”.

You can read more information here.
