Cross-border employment in the live performance sector: Exploring the social security and employment status of highly mobile workers.

March 31, 2023

A study conducted in the framework of the European funded project MOBILIVE by the academic researchers Frederic De Wispelaere & Wouter Schepers (HIVA - KU Leuven), Prof. Yves Jorens & Evert Nerinckx (Ghent University) and Marco Rocca & Leila Duchateau (CNRS - University of Strasbourg).

In order to support the work of social partners in general, and more particularly in sectors characterised by a high degree of cross-border mobility, this report explores the often neglected issue of the social security and employment status of ‘highly mobile workers’.

The report draws the attention to a specific group of (highly) mobile workers in the EU, notably those active in the ‘live performance sector’. This category is broad and multifaceted, including, for example, the dancer on tour for several weeks in different Member States, the actor engaged by a theatre company in one Member State and invited as a guest dramaturg in another Member State, the musician playing in several orchestras and music ensembles in different Member States, rehearsing in yet another Member State.

Thus, identifying the social security and labour legislation which should be applied to this group of (highly) mobile workers can be very challenging. What these challenges exactly are in the field of labour and social security law and what answers are conceivable, is a main subject of the report. In that respect, the following research objectives were put forward:

  • map the live performance sector;
  • define the concept of a ‘highly mobile worker’ and map the transnational dimension of the live performance sector;
  • describe the legal framework in the field of (European) labour and social security law applicable to (highly) mobile workers and companies, with a focus on the live performance sector;
  • define the challenges and obstacles encountered in the live performance sector when providing cross-border services;
  • define possible solutions for the challenges and obstacles encountered by (highly) mobile workers and companies, with a focus on the live performance sector.

Find more information here.