NordArt | Open call for artists

NordArt, one of the largest annual contemporary art shows in Europe is inviting artists from all over the world to apply and take part in their upcoming exhibition.

By Creatives Unite Newsroom
August 29, 2023

Kunstwerk Carlshütte is a non-profit cultural initiative and has been organising the international NordArt since 1999. NordArt is one of the largest contemporary art exhibitions in Europe, which is conceived anew every year. Between June and October, paintings and sculptures, photographs and installations by more than 200 selected artists (internationally renowned as well as newcomers) from all over the world come together as a monumental piece of art. Each work stands for itself and at the same time in a dialogue with the others. In synergy with the imposing backdrop, a unique atmosphere develops, inviting you on a journey of discovery.

The exhibition thrives on the different perspectives of individual cultures, but also makes it clear that East and West, South and North have many common thoughts. In order to allow deeper insights, NordArt dedicates an individual pavilion to a different country every year and also presents special projects, cooperating with embassies, cultural institutions and curators from various countries.

Application for participation
Artists from all over the world can apply to take part in the exhibition. The application for participation at NordArt is preferably online. Alternatively, applications can be submitted by post or by email.

There are no application or participation fees.

The selection of artworks takes place until mid-February 2024 by a jury. A list of selected artists and special projects will be published on our website by the beginning of March 2024. All invited artists will be informed and asked to confirm their participation and to send the documents for the catalogue.
The delivery of selected artworks is scheduled until 19 April 2024.

NordArt Prize
The NordArt Prize worth 10.000 euros has been donated by Hans-Julius and Johanna Ahlmann since 2010. The NordArt Prize is awarded annually to one artist. The prize winner is announced towards the end of the exhibition and is invited to participate in NordArt again. The award ceremony takes place at the NordArt opening in the following year.

Public Choice Award
NordArt visitors have the opportunity to vote for their favourites. The three Public Choice Awards are endowed with 1.000 euros each and come with an invitation to participate at NordArt the following year.

Deadline: 31 October 2023

Apply here