Beachfest, The European Association of Beach Festivals
CIME/ICEM, International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music
DME, Digital Music Europe EAA, European Arenas Association ECA-EC, European Choral Association - Europa Cantat ECSA, European Composer and Songwriter Alliance EFNYO, European Federation of National Youth Orchestas EMC, European Music Council EMCY, European Union of Music Competitions for Youth EMEE, European Music Exporters Exchange EMMA, European Music Managers Alliance EOFed, European Orchestra Federation ETEP, European Talent Exchange Programme Europavox EJN, Europe Jazz Network EVTA, European Voice Teachers Association FIM, International Federation of Musicians GESAC, the European Authors Societies IAMIC, International Association of Music Centres IAML, International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres IAO, International Artist Organisation of Music ICAS, International Cities of Advanced Sound ICMP, International Confederation of Music Publishers ICSM, International Society for Contemporary Music IFPI, International Federation of the Phonographic Industry IMMF, International Music Managers Forum IMPF, Independent Music Publishers International Forum IMZ, International Music + Media Centre IMPALA, Independent music compagnies associations INES, Innovation Network of European Showcases JMI, Jeunesses Musicales International JUMP, European Music Market Accelerator Keychange Live DMA, European network for music venues and festivals Liveurope, the platform for new European Talent Pearle*, Live Performance Europe SHAPE, Sound Heterogenous Art and Performance in Europe REMA, European Early Music Network Resident Advisor We are Europe Yourope, the European festival Association