Goethe-Institut | Ukraine Support Program for Artists

The Goethe-Institut together with the international NGO Artists at Risk (AR) bundles and supports funding programmes from cultural institutions in Germany to match them with creative artists fleeing from Ukraine.

By Creatives Unite Newsroom
August 30, 2023

Whom Goethe-Institut funds
Cultural organisations in the fields of theatre, dance, film, music, literature, visual arts, performance, architecture, libraries, and museums that offer support for artists at risk from Ukraine.

While cultural institutions of any size can apply, the aim is to encourage smaller institutions in particular to set up new programmes.

What Goethe-Institut funds
Funding of

  • Scholarships for creative artists from Ukraine (living expenses).
  • Accommodation costs.
  • Travel costs.
  • Material or production costs.

The amount of the grant is a flat rate of 1.000 EURO per month for living expenses. After consultation, close family members (children) travelling with you can be supported.

Rent or other costs are supported according to need and on the basis of cost estimates and receipts.

Funding criteria
The applicant organisation must

  • Be legally based in Germany and have no independent alternative means to support artists at risk from Ukraine.
  • Be able to host the artist with a stay of at least 2 months at their organisation.
  • Have staffing capacities to maintain contact with the artist and, if necessary, to provide on-site support.
  • Respect the Working Model of Artists at Risk-Residency Hosting (see Explanation for the Application).

Deadline: 15 October 2023

Find more information here

Apply here