Dancing with Decolonisation is now accepting proposals for our 2024 Online conference on 1st August. Originally established in 2021, DwD sought to disrupt, dissect, and discuss the notion of decolonisation, what it means to decolonise dance and movement studies, if it is possible and whether that is in fact the right terminology to use. We recognize that de/coloniality may be recognized and understood in different ways by varying cultures and communities. Due to this, we take a broad view of decolonisation, allowing various interpretations addressing a broader multi-cultural understanding. We continually seek to hear from academics, artists, choreographers, and performers from around the world to share both their artistic endeavors and their research with us around this topic.
This year we are taking up a challenge to keep Global Communities in Conversation by encouraging our presenters to make their presentations understandable by people who speak at least 1 other language. This may be done through spoken or written language, movement practice, or any other way this may be interpreted.
Proposals may be submitted in English, Spanish, or Portuguese for this year's conference. Proposers will have to speak at least one of these languages to communicate with the conference board. We are always accepting new volunteers that may help us expand the languages we may communicate in.
As always we seek presentations and proposals for the following from both scholars and artists of all backgrounds for an online presentation.
Though we accept a variety of submissions from different researchers and prospective individuals, we encourage topics around:
- Indigenous knowledge construction
- Re/de-structuring movement education
- Choreographing society and social engagement
- Embodiment and identity in movement practice
- Recognizing and engaging with indigenous aesthetics
- Dis/ability within movement practices
- Technological impacts on de/coloniality in dance
Submissions are due by May 28th for priority consideration, with notice being given by June 6th.