European Creators and Rights Holders Support the EU AI Act

A broad coalition representing over 200 creative organizations across Europe's cultural sectors has signed a joint letter in support of the proposed EU AI Act. The signatories include authors, musicians, visual artists, publishers, film and audiovisual producers, distributors, and photographer agencies.

By Creatives Unite Newsroom
February 01, 2024

The letter calls on EU Member States to approve the landmark AI legislation at an upcoming meeting on February 2nd. It describes the AI Act as "vital" for regulating AI in Europe and setting a global standard for how the technology should be developed and deployed.

The coalition commends recent negotiations between the European Parliament, Council, and Commission which proposed "light-touch obligations" for general-purpose AI models. By fostering a rights-respecting environment and enabling the licensing of creative content to AI systems, the obligations could "kickstart partnership and innovation opportunities," the letter states. Implementing them would position the EU to influence global AI standards while enabling value creation within the bloc.

IFPI, one of the signatories representing the recorded music industry, warned that without regulation, popular generative AI tools could emerge without proper safeguards for creators and rights holders. Approval of the AI Act at the upcoming COREPER meeting would demonstrate the EU's commitment to balancing economic opportunity and individual freedoms in new technologies like artificial intelligence. It has the potential to set a progressive example for lawmakers worldwide.

In December 2023, the IFPI made a statement about the trilogue agreement of the EU AI Act. They described it as a "groundbreaking step" towards responsible AI. The IFPI believes that while AI presents both opportunities and risks for creators, there is a way to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome for both the creative and AI industries.

You can read the letter: here