Eurocities | Calling for good practices on architecture and built environment in cities and regions

Eurocities and the Architects’ Council of Europe are implementing a peer-learning programme on high-quality architecture in cities and regions, under the European Union’s Creative Europe programme.

By Creatives Unite Community
July 10, 2023

Eurocities and the Architects’ Council of Europe have been selected by the European Commission to implement a peer-learning programme on high-quality architecture in cities and regions, under the European Union’s Creative Europe programme.

The peer-learning scheme has just started in June 2023 and will last until November 2024. It will facilitate exchanges among the European Union’s cities, regions, Member States and relevant stakeholders on processes and good practices.

Peer-learning activities will demonstrate that building and planning for everyone improves cohesion, attractiveness and the sustainability of our cities and regions.
This will be done through:

  • A catalogue of 30 good practices from across the European Union, emphasising impacts and transferability from one local context to others.
  • 12 onsite peer-learning visits in European cities and regions (EU 27) taking place in 2024, allowing participants to learn from each other and from experts.

Eurocities is looking for good practices:

  • That are innovative.
  • That are inspiring for other cities and regions.
  • That have a real impact on the ground and with the local communities.

Practices can be policies, projects, events, or organisational structures developed and co-funded by local and regional authorities.

Why should you apply?

  • Get international visibility for your city/region and be featured in an online catalogue of good practices.
  • Give your city/region a chance to host one of the peer-learning visits.
  • Be part of a large community of practice.
  • Join fellow experts, stakeholders and decision makers in sharing knowledge and experience on high-quality architecture and built environment projects and policies.

Deadline: 11 August 2023