ELIA invites you to reflect on taking space and making space

Take part in ELIA's EDI Platform Meeting 2024 in Lithuania to discuss equity, diversity and inclusivity in Higher Arts Education.

By Creatives Unite Newsroom
March 14, 2024

The way in which we navigate space(s) is inevitably connected to existing power structures and societal agreements that are performed and enacted by all of us. Spaces form and define our movements and interactions.

The first ELIA EDI Platform Meeting will take place from 15-16 April 2024 at Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts in Lithuania. This 2-day gathering invites ELIA members from all artistic disciplines and designations to engage with issues of equity, diversity and inclusivity in Higher Arts Education.

Under the theme: taking space - making space, ELIA’s EDI Working Group invites you to engage with questions of who, historically, has taken space, who has been denied space, and who is creating space in higher arts education today? Through which frame do we perceive the space we’re in? As faculty, artists, administrative staff and students from different backgrounds and disciplines, how do we navigate and situate ourselves in spaces, within and around our art academies?

Experience an interactive programme examining the physical and socio-political dimensions of space. Be inspired by the unique landscape of the Curonian spit, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Registration fee: 175 EURO (incl. three dinners, two lunches, three breakfasts, coffee breaks, materials, event support, networking opportunities)

Event: 15-16 April 2024 Vilnious, Lithuania

Deadline: 22 March 2024

Register here

Read the full programme here