Don't Know How or Who to Vote for? Download the Culture Voting Pack

To help inform their choices, the leading cultural advocacy organization Culture Action Europe has compiled a comprehensive "Culture Voting Pack" to assist voters. Who proposes what for Culture in Europe in this election?

By Creatives Unite Newsroom
June 06, 2024
The voting pack on the Culture Action Europe website provides a step-by-step guide to making an informed decision in the elections. It includes relevant excerpts from the manifestos of the major European political parties, focusing specifically on their positions and proposals related to cultural issues.

The pack covers a range of cultural policy areas, such as access to the arts, support for creative industries, preservation of heritage, and the integration of culture across different policy domains. It allows voters to compare and contrast the other parties' visions for the cultural sector in Europe.

In addition to the party manifestos, the voting pack provides general guidance on the European election process, including information on voter registration, polling procedures, and measures to ensure the integrity of the democratic process.

The Culture Voting Pack is available for download here.