Culture For Health | Share your project

Cutlure For Health invites organisations to share their project with the cultural and creative community.

By Creatives Unite Newsroom
July 19, 2023

'CultureForHealth' is a combined effort of local and regional actions in Europe that are growing awareness about the critical role of culture and the arts in improving health and well-being at both the individual and collective level.

As such, CultureForHealth responds to the objectives of the Preparatory Action – Bottom-Up Policy Development for Culture & Well-being in the EU. The project has the ambition to trigger a true policy change in EU effecting both regional and local levels - bringing closer together the health, cultural and social policies.

Culture For Health initiatives

  • Cross-sectorial policy development
  • Six pilot projects
  • Extensive research
  • Broad European partnership on culture for health

Add the partner organisation or institution involved in your project, program or initiative and share your project!

Share your project here

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