Culture Action Europe Sets Key Priorities for 2024-2029 EU Policy Cycle

Ahead of the upcoming European Union policy cycle from 2024 to 2029, the cultural advocacy organization Culture Action Europe (CAE) has outlined its top priorities for shaping the future of cultural policies across Europe.

By Creatives Unite Newsroom
June 07, 2024

CAE's advocacy focus areas include:

Developing a new strategic framework for the EU's cultural policy, addressing topics such as cultural democracy, the competitiveness of the cultural and creative sectors, sustainability, working conditions, and the role of culture in security and innovation.

Pushing for a significant increase in EU funding dedicated to culture, aiming for culture's share of the Multiannual Financial Framework to reach 2%. Securing the Creative Europe program as a standalone initiative is also a key priority.

Improving working conditions for artists and cultural workers, including implementing recommendations from a recent European Parliament resolution and strengthening the collective bargaining power of the cultural sector.

Ensuring the EU's AI Act protects the rights of creators, while also enhancing the agency and self-sufficiency of the cultural and creative sectors in the digital domain.

CAE believes these priorities are crucial to strengthening the role of culture within the broader European agenda. The full details of the organization's advocacy plan for the 2024-2029 EU policy cycle can be found on the Culture Action Europe website.