Culture Action Europe (CAE)

CAE is the major European network of cultural networks, organisations, artists, activists, academics and policymakers. CAE is the first port of call for informed opinion and debate about arts and cultural policy in the EU. It brings together all practices in culture, from the performing arts to literature, the visual arts, design and cross-arts initiatives, to community centres and activist groups.

April 29, 2020


  • Culture Action Europe, together with the European Cultural Foundation (ECF), is mapping emergency initiatives and measures across Europe (compensations, dedicated funding, combined efforts or public and private actors, information sharing etc.) to tackle the effects of the Covid-19 crisis on the arts, culture, creative sectors and cultural heritage. Take part in the survey. Find the full report here.
  • Effect of Covid-19 on Creative Europe and the European CCS, a letter to the Commissioner Gabriel and Members of Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC). The letter lists proposals regarding the ways to cope with the consequences of COVID-19 on Creative Europe and the European Cultural and Creative Sectors.