CROSS | COLLATERALE Award Call for Performing Artists and Companies

Applications are open until 18 Januray 2023.

January 04, 2023

CROSS Residence is a residence funded by Article 43 of the MiC for the three-year period 2022/2024 thanks to the joint intervention of MiC and the Piedmont Region.

CROSS Residence announces the seventh edition of the international CROSS Award with the special edition COLLATERALE | call for application, conceived for the territory of Ameno and Lake Orta in line with the “Quadriborgo” project financed by the PNRR. The call is addressed to artists and companies in the field of performance practices, with a focus on the production of innovative formats, centred on the relationship between corporeity and territory, understood as landscape and as community.

COLLATERALE call for application stands as an incubator of imaginaries and practices committed to the rewriting of the present and the re-inhabitation of public space, understanding artistic creation as a way of researching and intervening on reality.

The selected projects and residencies:

  • Will necessarily be held in naturalistic outdoor environments / will be allocated indoor coworking spaces with tables, chairs, internet connections or for rehearsals in case of bad weather.
  • They will have to include research for specific environments: the body of water, the wood, the rural village and adapt to the geographical and civic morphology of Ameno and its surroundings (Lake Orta territory).
  • Should concern body practices, movement research or audio research.

In particular, projects should be inspired by certain fundamental values (sensitivity to social justice, sustainability, a critical approach to anthropocentrism, respect for the environment and attention to climate transition). 

The residencies will take place in Ameno and surroundings (Lake Orta area) over the two-year period 2023-2024, during May-June and October-November.

The call for proposals is open to individual artists, professionals and companies. The submitted project may be developed during the residency phase (minimum 14 days), encompassing different expressive practices (e.g. dance, choreography, performance, sound walks, soundscape composition, sound sculptures, field recording, collective listening, musical composition and performance, participatory workshop, new technologies, motion-capture, site-specific design).

During the residency period the organisation will cover accommodation costs for the entire period for a maximum of five people. A fee of between €2.000 and €6.000 per residency project will be paid as a cachet and to cover production costs during the residency phase, travel costs and food.

Find more information here.