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Civic spaces are important for democracy. Art and culture can provide such safe spaces for interaction in physical, as well as hybrid and digital environments. However, related full potential is not yet addressed. Improvements require cross-sectoral policies including cultural policy.
Creative FLIP, in the framework of the EU strategic project, works on collaborative transformation policies. In this context, good policy practices in a wide range of cross-sectoral areas are collected. Policies are defined as: political initiatives, strategies, action plans, funding and other support programmes, regulations and similar policy actions. With this online survey, the goal is to establish a list of good policies to be further analysed. The final outcome of Creative FLIP's research is recommendations for (EU) policy makers.
The survey comprises two questions: the first one is related to general observations from your side in view of activities in cross-sectoral policy-making. In the second one, the goal is to collect good practice policies.