Creative Cultural Skills | Shared experience: placement programmes for the creative & cultural sectors

Join the online event on Wednesday 30th November at 12.30pm.

By Creatives Unite Newsroom
November 29, 2022
Join Creative Cultural Skills for a 'lunch and learn' session about paid placement opportunities with creative and cultural organisations.

The need to improve fair access across the creative and cultural sectors remains fundamental to sustainable success.

So, do placement programmes really work to increase diversity and equal employment?

In this session you'll be hearing about three very different programmes from across the UK - all with a common purpose and all of which will share with yoou what they've learned. 
Facilitated by Donald Hyslop, Chair of Trustees for Creative and Cultural Skills, you will hear from:
  • Vivian Murinde, Head of Inclusive Growth and Skills for the London Legacy Development Corporation who will be talking about the STEP Programme
  • Markus Offer, Skills Development Manager for Museums Galleries Scotland who will be talking about their Skills for Success Programme
  • Sarah Mair Hughes, Head of Partnerships in Wales for Creative and Cultural Skills talking about the Cultural Ambition Programme.
They would also love you to put your own questions to the panel and you can do this by contributing to the Jamboard or by emailing, find more information here.