Covid-19’s impact on the circulation of emerging artists in Europe: insights from Liveurope

Huge financial loses and working with ever-changing and unpredictable conditions are just some of the many challenges venues are facing today. When it comes to artistic mobility, the average number of concerts with young talent organised per venue went down from 36 (last season pre-corona) to 18. This represents a 47% decrease.

November 19, 2020

Booking an emerging artist from abroad often represents a significant financial risk to a venue as the income generated via ticket sales might not be enough to cover the production costs (in particular travel and accommodation costs). Liveurope provides a crucial safety net to the venues to allow them to take the risk of introducing new artists on their stages. As their financial situation has become fragile after months of closure or operating under limited capacity, this support will be instrumental in allowing venues to continue bringing the diversity of European music to their audiences.

Read more information here.
