Cinema education

CinEd, European Cinema Education for Youth is a European project for cinema education, co-funded by the European Union's Creative Europe - MEDIA programme. Initiated and piloted by the Institut français, it is based on a consortium of 10 partners in 9 European countries.

July 01, 2020

The CinEd platform gives educators participating in the programme access to a collection of European films accompanied by pedagogical tools for the organisation of screenings and activities for young Europeans aged 6 to 19.
The "At home" extension is implemented in April 2020 in the particular context of lockdown that affects most European countries to allow students participating in CinEd a direct viewing of a selection of films from their homes. Meetings, discussions and debates around the films are then organised by CinEd coordinators and teachers via videoconference tools.

Find more information here.

Institut Français