Charter | Literature Collection Database

Charter published a database for literature references, where you can target your search by author, year of publication, document type and tags.

April 28, 2023

This literature collection represents a «state of the arts» of the body of knowledge on educational and training in all areas of cultural heritage. It contains differentiated kind of sources, such as articles, official documents, laws and regulations, frameworks, books about education and training in the cultural heritage sector. The focus of the collection is the literature having an European Union relevance, and specifically includes documents covering the timeframe after the Bologna process (1999).

This database fits into the broader landscape of the CHARTER project in a cross-cutting way, in that it offers references to delve into some issues that are relevant on several fronts: for mapping cultural heritage profiles; for understanding how to describe the skills needed for them to be in line with the demands of the job market, as described in the economic and employment landscape (NACE; ESCO; ISCO); and for understanding what gaps currently exist in the training offer in higher education, lifelong learning, and VET for cultural heritage professionals.

Together with other tools and instruments elaborated and delivered by CHARTER, this literature collection contributes identifying the landscape in Education and Training programmes for traditional and emerging competencies in the cultural heritage sector.

Are you aware of any other document, article, report, or book about education and training in the cultural heritage sector in Europe? Collaborate in the growth of the literature collection by reporting it to Charter!

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