Ars Electronica | Open Call for Artists at Risk, ‘State of the ART(ist)’

Deadline: 30 June 2022

June 22, 2022
The war in Ukraine has devastating consequences, destroys livelihoods and attempts to destroy the cultural identity of Ukraine and its citizens. These dramatic and frightening developments in the cultural region of Eastern Europe provide an urgent reason to address the situation of cultural workers and artists. Together with the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs and in the spirit of the already established prize for ‘Digital Humanism’, Ars Electronica are inviting artists, creatives, and activists from the Ukraine and beyond who are at risk politically and do not have the human right of freedom of speech, to submit their works and projects.

All submitted projects are part of the Ars Electronica Festival 2022 and will be presented online. Selected winners are highlighted in curated exhibitions in a virtual Kunsthalle and through curated lectures live-streamed on the Ars Electronica Festival TV Channel. Ars Electronica offer a digital, virtual space which, anonymised or personalised, should be an integral place of expression and documentation of the freedom of artistic thought and expression. This digital space should be understood as a place of action, expression, and exchange for all those creative artists whose life situation does not allow them to express themselves freely. It should furthermore be a documentation space and memorial for what motivates artists in such drastic situations. A space that is meant to symbolise the fact that even massive political or military influence does not, cannot and must not hinder the critical reflective power of artists.

This initiative is aimed at creatives from the Ukraine and beyond to provide concrete financial support and visibility to artists living in oppressed political systems. But it also wants to take the urgency of the drastic Ukrainian situation as a starting point to ask the global question of where else political influence and aggression are preventing artists from taking their role for and in society.

Artists, creatives, curators, writers, critics, scientists, entrepreneurs, associations, public institutions, NGOs, or private enterprises (not limited to), no matter if individuals or groups, can enter the open call. Submission can be made either personally or anonymously. Commercial or propaganda projects are not eligible for the competition.

Fifteen selected artists will each receive a fee for the presentation of their work in the digital Kunsthalle. Some of the selected artists, that are able to travel, will be invited to visit the Ars Electronica Festival. Travel and Accommodation is covered. If required, Ars Electronica can offer a studio and living space during the summer months in Linz.

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