Architecture & the Media | European Conference 2023

The event will take place from the 20th untill the 30th of April 2023, at Barcelona, Spain.

April 06, 2023

Have social media generated new ways of communicating architecture today?

Faced with the questions that guided the first editions of Architecture and the Media, Architecture & the Media would like to open the debate on the role of social media in the dissemination of architecture: What opportunities do they offer compared to other media? And what risks, if any, are involved?

On the one hand, the impact of social media allows architects to no longer rely on magazines and critics to even showcase and validate their architecture. Social media eliminates the middleperson between the architect and their audience, allowing the architect to showcase its artwork directly. On the other hand, Architecture & the Media wants to encourage learning beyond looking, to be aware of the social, political, and historical context as well as the aesthetic.

The third edition Architecture & the Media, next to general topics, will focus on how different social media channels contribute to spread the knowledge about architecture and make a step further in exploring the role of image in the dissemination of the discipline.

Register and find more information here.