A Call to Place Culture at the Heart of the EU

The Cultural Deal for Europe is a call to the European Union to place culture at the heart of its political vision and ambition. It proposes specific suggestions to mainstream culture across the EU's key policies.

By Creatives Unite Newsroom
June 07, 2024
The Cultural Deal for Europe, a campaign launched in 2020 by a coalition of leading European cultural organizations - Culture Action Europe, European Cultural Foundation, and Europa Nostra calls on the European Union to fully integrate culture and cultural heritage into its core policies making it a central part of the EU's vision.

The initiative was sparked as the COVID-19 pandemic was devastating Europe's cultural sectors. The campaign argues that culture must be included in the EU's recovery efforts and long-term sustainable development plans, in the same way the Green Deal has made environmental concerns a priority. Endorsed by over 110 European cultural networks and thousands of organizations and individuals, the Cultural Deal for Europe has already achieved some important initial successes by advocating for a symbolic 2% target for culture in national plans. 

In a renewed statement looking ahead to the 2024 European Parliament elections, the Cultural Deal calls on the EU to:

-Ensure the effective use of recovery funds for the benefit of independent cultural scenes and heritage preservation

- Develop a new, ambitious EU cultural policy in partnership with civil society

-Find innovative ways to work with the philanthropic sector to support cultural emergencies

-Establish common standards for artists' and cultural workers' working conditions

-Fully integrate culture into the European Green Deal and sustainable development strategies

-Place culture at the heart of discussions on Europe's future

"We need a new European cultural agenda, we need a Cultural Deal for Europe!" the statement declares, arguing that culture must be a central part of Europe's political vision and policy agenda going forward.

With the 2024 European Parliament elections coming up, the campaign hopes to make culture a key issue that political parties and candidates must address. European culture and heritage, they say, are fundamental to the continent's identity and future - and can no longer be relegated to the sidelines.

Find out more and support the campaign here