The next ECHN Workshop has opened registrations!

The upcoming workshop 'Making Spaces' is happening in Blackburn, UK, from the 5th to 8th September 2023, and applications close by the 13th August.

By Creatives Unite Newsroom
August 03, 2023

Making Spaces is the workshop proposal that received the highest votes from the ECHN community. It will train Creative Hub Managers on various making technologies & techniques and discuss how they can be included in their hubs. The Making Rooms believes that developing a making platform can really make a space and bring the community together, and can help users find a new career or business. Making at various levels provides opportunities to engage with other local partners, from universities to youth centres, from businesses to community groups. They also give towns an energy that otherwise would not be present; they give young people a reason to stay, help promote intergenerational learning and strengthen communities.

What is included

  • 4 day intense training
  • 6 lectures from project partners
  • All the materials we will use during the workshop
  • Personalised plan based on 1-1 consultation
  • Toolkit to help other hubs include an element of making in their spaces
  • Breakfast, lunch and refreshments during workshop days

What is *not* included

  • Accommodation (prices from £45-£60 per night x 4 nights)
  • Travels to/from Blackburn (~£15 return train ticket to Manchester Airport)
  • Evening meals & drinks (av. €15-25)

The ECHN Workshops are an initiative promoted by the European Creative Hubs Network to empower smaller creative hubs and to make use of their expertise for the broad ECHN community. They put the spotlight on smaller or peripheral creative hubs in order to identify hidden basins of innovative practices and accelerate the sharing of knowledge among the members of the ECHN network and beyond.

Priority will be given to registered ECHN members, but the call is open to other Creative Hubs.

Developed by The Making Rooms, with the support of ECHN and co funded by the European Commission.

Workshop: 5-8 September 2023 Blackburn, UK

Deadline: 13 August 2023

Full program details here