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" Ministry of Culture Greece | Greece together for Culture 2024 "

Ministry of Culture Greece | Greece together for Culture 2024

Greece comes together to find conflict in culture

The Ministry of Culture's initiative "Greece together for Culture 2024" returns in 2024 with its fifth edition, with a central thematic axis the concept of "conflict". The National Opera assumes the administrative and organisational responsibility of the programme in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture.

In 2023, the institution "Greece together for Culture 2024" attracted a significant number of Greek and foreign visitors. For about two months, 70 high quality cultural productions were presented in 70 unique archaeological sites, monuments and museums in 12 regions of Greece -except Attica- offering a rare cultural experience. With the central theme of the climate crisis and its overwhelming impact on the present and future of the planet, the public had the unique opportunity to enjoy a total of 140 events of theatre, music, performances/actions for children and teenagers, dance, visual arts/performances and musical theatre in ancient theatres, castles, monuments, museums, monasteries, churches, mosques and caves. The initiative "Greece together for Culture 2024" once again gave its cultural and social stamp to the region, giving the opportunity to artists and artistic groups to create works on the thematic axis of "awakening the society as a whole towards climate change".



Proposals must fall within the following costing categories, be adequately justified and must necessarily include a detailed budget and a nominal reference to all the factors for the total of each production. Each project should be 50-70 minutes in duration with the obligation to present two performances, at a venue to be determined by the Special Evaluation Committee.

  • 15.000 € + VAT for 40 productions
  • 30.000 € + VAT for 20 productions
  • 60.000 € + VAT for 10 productions

22 January 2024



Each proposal must combine at least two of the six areas:

  • Music (all genres: classical, contemporary, traditional, etc.).
  • Theatre (all genres: prose, puppetry, puppetry, shadow theatre, etc.).
  • Dance (all genres: classical, contemporary, modern, etc.). Requires original music or adaptation/expression of existing music.
  • Musical theatre (original music required).
  • Visual arts/performance (all genres: painting, sculpture, photography, etc.).
  • Performances/acts for children and teenagers.


The programme of events and actions of the institution "Greece together for Culture 2024" for 2024 sets as a central thematic axis the concept of "conflict". In this context, the Ministry of Culture invites artists and artistic groups to create new works that relate to this theme, which is articulated in four sub-themes running through the fields of political, economic, cultural and mental life:

  • Internal conflict
  • Civilisational conflict
  • Conflict of interests
  • Conflict of civilisations, conflict of cultures, conflict of cultures, conflict of cultures, conflict of civilisations.



Public funding




Arts - Performing arts - Music - Cultural Heritage