" Artificial Intelligence for Future | Open Call for Artists "
Artificial Intelligence for Future | Open Call for Artists
AI4future is searching for 4 artists to work at an AI-based artwork in collaboration with young European activists to foster new urban community awareness.
Application deadline: November 15, 2021
Sineglossa (Italy), Lemongrass - Espronceda (Spain), V2_Lab for the unstable Media (Netherlands), MEET (Italy), Sardegna Teatro (Italy), co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of The European Union, launch this call for artists in behalf of ‘Artificial Intelligence for Future’, an international network of Urban Labs that aims to connect artists, young activists, cultural organisations, public administrations, and research centres in order to explore how digital creativity can contribute to relevant social challenges.
Mobility is the topic of this very first series of Urban Labs. Mobility is a polysemic word. In 1969 two major events occurred, the first moon landing gateway for extraterrestrial mobility and the first exchange of data between two long-distance computers.
From then on the web became a relevant seed for globalisation and a new way of understanding mobility. But mobility in a globalised world and in the way we experience it now, carries some undesirable implications and many failures in understanding our ecosystem, as the Covid pandemic has shown us. AI4Future wants to redefine the way we understand mobility through the collaboration with the younger generation involved in the shaping of our collective future.
AI4Future Partners share an interest in boosting arts towards social challenges. For their part, artists need a medium to reach policymakers, both at the local and global level. This medium can be represented by new technologies, in particular artificial intelligence.
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence has been implemented in a number of fields functional to daily life: from those that simulate the cognitive abilities of the human being (image recognition, language automation, etc.) to the management of civil and social life (home automation, banking, self-driving vehicles, etc.) up to the economic and political organization (remote surveillance, privacy, impact on the world of work 4.0, health management, disinformation techniques, control over fundamental rights, etc.). AI4Future intends to show how artificial intelligence, which allows the collection, interpretation and display of large amounts of data, can be a tool at the service of artists and activists to address the cultural and social changes of our time.
For this reason, AI4Future has brought together young activists from four cities – Rotterdam, Sardinia, Milan and Barcelona – to define with them the range of mobility that will be the stimulus for presenting residency projects.
Individual or collective artists from Europe working with AI technologies can apply for a residency at one of the four cities to work with these young activists on a tangible artwork that local communities can then adopt to advocate for their vision of mobility.
Selected artists will receive a grant of 10,000 € (including fee, materials, travel and subsistence costs). Residencies will take place February - June 2022 with a final exhibition in September 2022.
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